The features

The organisation of your training sessions et the access to close to 4000 exercise sheets, created and shared by the coaches of the community.
The Training feature of My Coach Football is an authentic expertise library. You can also create and share your own exercise sheets.
Monitor the attendance and engagement of your players at training by taking a look at the members of your squad that were present or absent (directly on the mobile application ou later on the computer platform). You can also give them a grade at the end of each session, to maintain a high level of requirement during the season.
Planify your sessions
Two possibilities are being offered to you to create a training session on My Coach Football. You can organise a single session or planify a series of trainings on a given period.
Enter the date, time, location, but also the main theme of your session. Do not hesitate to add specific comments to support the running of your training.
When this information is entered, it is time to convene your players. They will receive an email ou text message with all the information related to the session (data, time and location).
Choisissez parmi des milliers de fiches exercices
Une fois que votre séance est programmée, vous allez pouvoir y ajouter du contenu selon les thématiques que vous souhaitez aborder.
Sur My Coach Football, on compte plus de 4000 fiches exercices, classées par thème, catégorie et langue. Toutes ont été créées par des coachs utilisateurs depuis la création de la plateforme.
Cette bibliothèque unique constitue une véritable source pour varier vos séances et enrichir votre expertise en vous inspirant des méthodes de vos confrères.
Vous trouverez aussi des tests physiques et techniques. Préparez des tests réguliers et observez la progression de vos joueurs, saison après saison, grâce à notre outil de gestion des données statistiques.
Create your own content
If you wish to add a personal touch to your session, you can create your own training exercise sheet. To do so, select the name of the activity, the age category to which it is destined, but also the language used, the main and second themes, the objectives and finally the number of players needed. Because of your eye for detail, you will have the opportunity to enter the material that will be used, the dimensions of the pitch needed, the instructions to apply and the criterias of realisation to respect. Also enter the duration of the effort, its intensity, the number of reps and series required and the time and nature of the recovery. Finally, you can illustrate your sheet by easily creating your own artwork.
You have the choice to share this sheet with the rest of the community of educators, or to keep it for your own use. Print it or find it directly on the mobile application.
From the mobile application
You did not have the time to create your session? Do not worry. You can do so in a very simple and fast fashion via the mobile application. Once at practice, you will be able to track down your players’ attendance and hence insure of each’s diligence. A specific space allows you to enter the absence reasons, excusable or not: injury, national team call-up, unreported absence, delay or even expulsion.
Finally, you will be able to grade de session, on a general standpoint or by giving an individual grade to each players.