The features

Your whole team but also your staff members. For each player, a profile with his personal and sporting information, and a follow-up of his physical shape and statistics.
Thanks to the “Team” feature of My Coach Football, you know your players on the tip of your fingers and benefit from a thorough monitoring of each of them.
Take the time to fill in all the date put at your disposal. The success of your club can depend on the smallest detail!
Create your squad and add your staff
The My Coach Football platform allows you to create your whole squad. To do so, you will benefit from different options, adapted to the needs of all.
With the « Add a player » option, you can create a player by entering his name, surname and position. If you wish to add more precisions on his profile, other boxes allow you to enter a maximum amount of data; contact information, characteristics, but also specific information related to his health.
To gain time, it is also possible to proceed to an Excel import. If you are not familiar with that process, don’t worry! Everything is explained to you directly on the platform.
And since a football team is not just about its players, My Coach Player offers you the opportunity to integrate your staff members. You have access to a simple creation tool, from which you enter the name, role, address, contact and picture of each of your colleagues to obtain an even broader interface.
A complete player profile
Each player possess a specific profile that regroups the essential information you need on him, from general data to the most precise medical indications.
When you get on a player’s profile, you can edit his player sheet and enter the simplest data such as his name, date and place of birth, current address and nationality. You can also add a picture.
The player sheet also allows to indicate football related data such his player’s position, strong foot and licence number, essential to any football player.
A part of the sheet is dedicated to medical information such as allergies, drug contraindications and recent hospitalizations.
A precise and detailed monitoring
On the player’s individual profile, it is possible for you to make a precise and detailed recap of the different injuries and related periods of unavailability. To do so, go to the “Medical” tab.
On the « Identity Card », you have access to a detailed longitudinal tracking of a player’s height, weight, body fat, heart rate, visual acuity and blood pressure. This feature allows you to visualize players’ physical evolution thanks to graphs and specific values.
Finally, it is possible to add any kind of comments on your players at all times, by clicking on the « Comments » section.
A viewpoint on individual statistics
Find a numerical analysis of a player’s performances, attendance rate et behaviour. In the “statistics” tab, you have an overview of those data.
For the games section: call-ups, startings, game time, goals, assists, cards, grades and detail of games played.
For trainings: presence counter with detail of absence reasons (injury, delays, expulsions,...).
Those statistics are essential elements to monitor the player’s evolution. They allow to make summaries based on tangible factors.
From the mobile application
You do not have access to your computer? You want to manage your squad at all times wherever you are? With the mobile application, it is possible. Available on iOS and Android, the My Coach Football application is completely free of charge and allows you to create your team and consult the information related to your players at all times. Need to edit a player’s profile? You can now do so from the mobile application; it will be automatically synchronised on the web platform.